
Dave Kingsley

    As Americans, we are instilled with the idea that we are the most enlightened and advanced society on the planet.  That may be true in some matters, but when it comes to biological aging it is patently false.  I’m not saying that most of the other societies of the World are more enlightened in the understanding and treatment of serious physical decline in the later stages of life, but we need to take a hard look at what we do in our families, nursing homes, politics, and other institutions.

    Let’s take the current imbroglio involving President Biden as a case study in how aging people and the people who surround them create a seriously dysfunctional and hurtful situation – indeed a heartbreaking situation that is resulting in humiliation to a man and his family because of past and ongoing family, media, and political irresponsibility.

    The biology of aging cannot be ignored – should not be ignored. This is especially true when the symptoms of clinical frailty are glaringly obvious as they have been with President Biden for the past two years.  I was aghast at noticeable changes in his appearance, movement, and speech.  I watched him closely on television and looked at video of his speeches in 2020.  The changes were palpable. 

    Cruel, agist jokes and snide remarks on late night television and in conversations I was having seemed to be on the increase.  The President ignored what so many people could see but couldn’t understand, or at least they couldn’t understand how to discuss it and deal with it appropriately.  The people around the President out of ignorance or venal political motivation rationalized, denied, or repressed the obvious when they had a duty to confront the president responsibly and compassionately.  All the political elites in the President’s circle had a responsibility to do the same thing.  It shouldn’t take a whole lot of brilliance to know when to consult geriatricians and neuroscientists.

    Unfortunately, politics in the United States have become increasingly characterized by delusion, narcissism, and self-interest over the public interest. Politicians are far too often deluded and overcome with narcissism.  The attitude is “what’s in it for me politically?” not “what’s my duty to the country?” I write this with the New York Times sitting on my desk with an above the fold headline: “Top Democrats Swallow Fears and Back Biden.”  Senate Majority Leader Schumer is quoted as saying, “I’m with Joe.” Congressman James Clyburn stated, “We are ridin with Biden.”

    This is despicable behavior on the part of two of the most powerful leaders in the Democratic party.  It is also an example of how congress is failing the American people.

    The president of a business corporation, a nonprofit, or a university would be asked to retire under the same set of circumstances – probably privately and compassionately.  Indeed, a few years ago the Chancellor of the University of Kansas was asked to step down because of confusion and lapses of memory due to aging.

    But the President’s top advisors and the First Lady are doubling down on their irresponsible claims that he can run a grueling race for President and serve our country for the next four years and a half years.  He cannot do that.  He won’t be fit to take office and carry out one of the most important jobs on the planet.  To say otherwise is sheer folly and dangerous.

    What we are seeing is sad and tragic.  It should never have come to this.  No doubt, the President’s opponent is a dangerous man leading a dangerous movement.  That is a primary issue in this looney political race.  But the American people deserve better than what is currently shoved down their throat on both sides.  Ordinary people can see what is happening.  The danger is that they might not show up to vote and a man will be elected who will do so much damage that the country will never be the same – in a negative way.


  1. Dave I am sharing this. I have had this discussion with others. Thank you for your insights. I agree!

  2. Ester, Thank you for your thoughts. Your wisdom and leadership are so important during this frightful time. Dave

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