A lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth is going on right now amongst liberals and progressives. Senator Lieberman and the obvious loss of a public option in some form or other are, no doubt, cause for outrage. However, there seems to be an unfortunate abundance of threats to “sit out the next election” and other such expressions of intended self destructive behaviors. I like Ed Shultz (the Ed Show), Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, and even Ariana Huffington now that she is a liberal. However, these talk show hosts and progressive pundits have been engaging in a bit of an over blown, heated rhetoric of late. Furthermore, they are coming down way too hard on President Obama. That is a huge mistake.
The bill that is likely to come out of this congress is not all that different and probably every bit as good as the health care reform bill that President Clinton attempted to push through congress in 1993. Certainly, the health insurance exchange or something like it is very similar to the alliances in the Clinton plan, which included no public option. I think the MSNBC progressive talk show hosts are overreacting and failing to look at reality. They are also failing to read the history of health care reform – especially the Nixon and Clinton attempts (see Tom Daschle’s book as well as The Heart of Power on the book page of this blog). If President Obama and the Democrats can pass health care reform in its current, survivable state, they will have accomplished a long-time-coming basis for a complete overhaul of the health care system. Let’s hope we can make this first step.
The president can count to 60. He is being attacked by our fellow progressives for attempting to finesse the best plan possible through congress. That attack on our (the progressives’) president makes no sense to me.
If liberals and progressives can stop wringing their hands over political polls and start showing up at organizing events and working as hard as the other side to organize events and political activities, we can take the basis for reform that will surely be passed and work to make it what we would like it to be. However, we must get off our duffs – including me.
It will be a big mistake to take our frustration out on President Obama and the Democrats by staying away from the polls in 2012 or by other such passive aggressive behavior such as withholding financial support for Democratic candidates or by not volunteering in their campaigns. I say that after we throw ourselves on the ground and cry, kick, and scream, hold our breath until we turn blue, and, after having had our hissy fit, we need to remember that we are mature adults that can make a difference if we jump in and help organize a movement to take on the insurance industry and other lobbies that are buying our congress.
We are not going to get all that we what we want in the health care reform bill that passes but it will be a beginning. Let’s get going and go after Lieberman and the insurance industry. Believe it or not we have the power to do that. What I can’t stand is defeatism, cynicism, and pessimism. These are the signs of “copping out.”